Maintenance Staff
Mission Statement

Perhaps no other department has such frequent working relationships with so many other departments at all levels of the organization. To serve the entire scope of needs of the district's facilities and the people who use them, and to maintain quality with limited resources is a formidable task.

The mission and functions of the Operations & Maintenance Department: we are a service organization dedicated to the success and satisfaction of KGBSD faculty, staff, students and district visitors. Our responsibilities include: maintenance, operation and improvement of buildings, grounds and systems; custodial care; and engineering support. The magnitude and diversity of demands placed on the department create special challenges in the areas of effective liaison and communications with the KGBSD community.

Our staff members are our most valuable asset. Each individual is a team member who contributes to the decision-making process. We seek creative and innovative solutions to meet our customers needs. We set high service standards, and we reward superior effort and results. We promote the personal growth of our staff through education and training.

Our goal is to provide reliable and timely service at a competitive cost. We use proven technology to increase our capabilities. We solicit feedback to help determine the quality of our services. We maintain a safe campus environment, and we attempt to exceed governmental regulations. We conduct planning activities to achieve the most desirable future for our customers and our organization.

Goals and Objectives

The goals of the Operations & Maintenance Department:

  1. Train and develop staff to discharge the duties of the department in a professional manner. This will be accomplished in a work environment that is safe, challenging, responsive and rewarding.

  2. Expand, execute and manage comprehensive preventative maintenance programs which protect the communities financial investment in its physical plant.

  3. Operate and maintain all systems to a standard which ensures reliability of service.

  4. Perform day to day cleaning, maintenance, repair and upgrading of the existing physical plant in a manner which strives to meet the expectations of the students, faculty and staff.

  5. Control costs rigorously through the professional management of departmental resources; and, the introduction of new technologies and methods.

  6. Develop, promote, implement and maintain an effective energy management program.

  7. Provide consultation and information regarding facilities and maintenance matters to other support units.

  8. Comply with the letter and intent of all applicable statutory, code, health and safety regulations.

In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Operations & Maintenance Department will require that a high priority be placed on servicing the thousands of mechanical devices and utility systems which keep the District's facilities fully functional for teaching, learning, work and enrichment at all hours of the day and night. It will also have to respond to special needs which involve requests for non-maintenance services from individuals.

The Operations & Maintenance Department will continually strive to improve the quality and effectiveness of our services. The goal is to provide the best possible service to the entire District community.