Staff Members
    Professional Development

    The best environment for professional development is during the school day as teachers have the opportunity to collaborate and communicate with other educators in their buildings or across the district.

    Throughout the school year, students will be released early on Friday from school so that KGBSD teachers and staff can participate in professional development and professional learning communities. During early release Friday's, KGBSD teachers and staff are working in both small and large groups and individually to learn about ways to meet their students' needs.

    During the 2020-2021 school year teachers and staff will focus on developing CANVAS lessons should our district have to move to a medium or high risk level and shift to off campus learning due to COVID-19. Teachers and staff are also continuously working to provide students with CANVAS lessons should someone have to be quarantined due to traveling out of state, close contact mandate by the public health office, and/or due to contracting COVID-19.